Sunday, February 24, 2013

SLAM Covers

These are the two designs that I have made for the cover of the SLAM magazine assignment, both using Illustrator. The first one is a picture of a path that is coming out of its picture frame.

The second one is a simple and abstract design that uses the Live Paint tool.  It was also nice to have a simple design to work on after the more complicated picture frame.

Personalty I think the picture frame is better because of its artistic quality, but I do enjoy the colors and simplicity of the second.

Shape Animation

This is a simple shape animation that I made with After Effects.  I think it cake it out ok considering that I only spent 4 hours on it, but I could do such much more.  It gives me a feeling that it is unfinished with that empty space at the end.

Online Photo Gallery

This is a gallery of some of my photos that I have taken over the last year.  The gallery uses jquarry to display the photos and navigation to look through them all.  I did a little customization using Dreamweaver, but I decided to be cautious in my changes to be sure that it will still work.  I think I would have done more if I had taken the web design class first.

3D gallery

This is a 3D art gallery of some of my art work that I have made over the last year of school. I used After Effects to make it. It went fairly smoothly after I figured out how I was going to have the camera and artwork interact.

Vinyl sticker

A number of weeks ago, we had to design in Illustrator and then cut a vinyl sticker with a vinyl cutter.  I designed something with my daughter in mind.  I enjoyed having something so tangible as a result. 

This is a picture of the sticker after my daughter placed it where she could enjoy it.

And this is a pic of the Illustrator file that was used to cut the vinyl.  The words are Swedish for 'Fox Rose.'

Monday, February 11, 2013

New cardgame

The point of this assignment was to create designs for a new card game that the teacher created.  The four designs are 1) the back illustration, 2) a wall segment, 3) an attack card, and 4) a defense card.

Monday, February 4, 2013

Competition cont.

The word for this assignment is 'grunge'.  This is the poster for the event.  I used the logo that I designed to embellish the stone like background that I made in Photoshop.  Wish there was more information to put on the poster, but I think there would be enough room on the bottom for what there would be.

Saturday, February 2, 2013


Our class was given a 'service learning project' where we were to design a logo for a yearly event that a local company is sponsoring.  The goal is to make a design that they company will like and there for adopt to use.  Ah, the publicity...

I designed a color and a gray scale versions for both a white and a black background.

A poster is design for the event will be the next part of this assignment.


For the next assignment, we were to practice drawing/painting using a graphic tablet.  I had taken an Art class last quarter so I decided to try painting as best as I could without paint.  I was inspired by a picture of a Northwest forest and used Photoshop because of the great brush control available.