Monday, March 18, 2013

Fun and fancy text

Using Adobe Edge Animate has always been a joy for me to work with.  Getting to make something that looks really cool, was exciting this time.  Here are the two pics that I made for this one, a word before it is decorated and then the word after it is decorated with the very things that the word defines. 

The feathers that I used are from the body portion of a peacock.  I wanted the word to feel like it was one whole entity with it's feathers on, so there is parts of the letters that blend into the ones next to it. 


A screen shot of the game I made using Construct 2.   You control the cannon, that shoots carrots, to kill the rabbits.  I enjoyed using Construct 2 because it made it very to put together the game with all of the right behaviors and actions.  I do wish I had more time to work on it so that I could do some real fancy stuff.

Monday, March 11, 2013

Word press things

So another blog was made.  This time using Wordpress and customizing as much as possible to make it as un-blog like as possible.  Yeah, a bit counter intuitive.  So I decided to treat it like another site for my profolio.  There is alot of little places and menus to go through with things to change.  Not sure of what all of it is, but I think i got everything that I wanted to.  Hope it works.

Dancing of the cards


A video done in After Effects that cuts up a picture and them makes them dance according to the settings and an image set for the intensity.  I used some of my own pics in black and white for the intensity comp and a HDR photo of glass to make the cards out of.  I found it to be very easy to do, but the possibilities to do more complex things...maybe when I have more time to dedicate to it.

Monday, March 4, 2013


Using Dreamweaver, I designed a newsletter that can be easily emailed.  The group is real, but the information is stolen from some random car club newsletter.  Having just finished the website, I felt very comfortable in creating this, but like to keep things simple.  Very simple.  I could see this being a skill that will come in handy in the future.


So I used the few and shaky java skills that I have to design a webpage pro folio.  Having the ability to use a pre made CSS sheet really helped with figuring out what to do.  It is not completely linked and filled out but I think I made a really good start.  I also figured out that my java skills is not as shaky as I thought it is.

Sunday, February 24, 2013

SLAM Covers

These are the two designs that I have made for the cover of the SLAM magazine assignment, both using Illustrator. The first one is a picture of a path that is coming out of its picture frame.

The second one is a simple and abstract design that uses the Live Paint tool.  It was also nice to have a simple design to work on after the more complicated picture frame.

Personalty I think the picture frame is better because of its artistic quality, but I do enjoy the colors and simplicity of the second.